General News
21 November, 2024
TMHS in strong position, report shows
TERANG and Mortlake Health Service TMHS) remains in a strong financial position, according to its 2023/2024 annual report.

The annual report, which was tabled in Parliament recently, showcased a “pleasing” financial result.
TMHS reported a net operating surplus, before capital and specific items, of $401,000 despite a comprehensive net result for the year being a deficit of $379,000.
The health service also received $76,000 in donations, while depreciation on assets amounted to $829,000.
TMHS ended the financial year with an overall surplus of $2.345 million after allowing for capital revenue changes in physical asset revaluation surplus and depreciation of non-current assets.
The annual report also showed TMHS received funding from the Department of Health of $9.40 million (2023: $9.93 million) and indirect contributions of $170,000 (2023: $340,000).
“Terang and Mortlake Health Service has been again fortunate to experience a successful year working with our community to provide care that is responsive, client centred and collaborative,” the report states.
“Our passionate community has worked with us to provide feedback in partnership to consider opportunities to review our services and care.”
The report noted TMHS exceeded its target across all performance priorities, which included 90 per cent of staff reporting an overall positive response to safety culture survey through the People Matters Survey, and completion or progress in all strategic priorities.
“The year was bookended by successful accreditation survey results in July 2023 for the National Standards and May 2024 for the Aged Care Standards,” the report states.
“During the 2023-2024 year, the acute campus worked closely with Timboon and District Health Service to transition a fortnightly theatre list over to our health service.
“This collaborative work has allowed for increased usage of our resources as well as an improved patient experience for residents in the southern part of the region to continue to access theatre services close to home.
The health service has also welcomed two new visiting anaesthetists to the team in order to support our existing team, allowing for sustainability of our services.”
Throughout the year TMHS also welcomed 37 new staff members comprised of 18 nursing staff, six hotel service staff, five administration staff, seven client services staff and one in maintenance.
The increase in staff formed part of the comprehensive net deficit as there was an uptick in expenditure on payments to employees, payments to contractors and consultants and medical indemnity insurance and repayments from borrowings.
The report also thanked long standing staff members for their outstanding contributions to TMHS including Janine DeBaere for her 18 years as administration officer, Tracy O’Brien for her 17 years as ward clerk, Gaye Sanderson for 16 years as quality, risk and safety manager, Mandy Jubb for 14 years as an enrolled endorsed nurse and Wendy Errey for 10 years as social support coordinator.