

30 August, 2024

Girl guides spread brightness

BRIGHT and cheery daffodils were sold over the past two weeks in nice weather to help the Camperdown Girl Guides raise funds to maintain their guide hall.

Bright and cheery: The Camperdown Girl Guides were out in force over the past two weeks, selling daffodils to raise funds to maintain their guide hall.
Bright and cheery: The Camperdown Girl Guides were out in force over the past two weeks, selling daffodils to raise funds to maintain their guide hall.

The guides held their annual daffodil fundraiser on Saturday, August 17 and August 24 outside the newsagency, with many bunches sold over the two days.

Guide leader Glenda McIlveen said the daffodil sale was the guide’s major fundraiser for the year.

“The daffodils are all donated by local people, and the families and the girls pick the daffodils,” she said.

“The local community, even local household people said they’ve got daffodils in the garden that they’ve donated, so it’s wonderful to have that donation.”

On Saturday, August 17, the stall raised $482.20 for the guide hall, with the next Saturday raising $374.90.

“It’s amazing – people have donated their daffodils so it’s wonderful, so we can put the money towards running the hall,” Mrs McIlveen said.

“It helps to pay for the hall for the girls because they need power and water and all those normal, ongoing costs.

“That helps to fundraise, so they can provide a venue for them to have guides.

“Along with some public hire of the hall, we can keep the hall upgraded for everyone.”

Mrs McIlveen extended her gratitude to the community for supporting the group.

“It’s a really generous community – some people didn’t even buy daffodils and just made a donation, so we just want to thank the community for all their support of the Girl Guides,” she said.

“Our other fundraisers are for anyone who wants to donate their bottles and cans to us. We’ve been using that money to help as well.

“They can be dropped off at the hall between 3pm and 5pm on a Monday.

“People have been very generous in donating bags and bags of cans and bottles we can recycle.

“Now we’ve got the recycling point straight across from the guide hall, it’s very handy.”

A third daffodil sale date is being considered, weather permitting, at the Sunday markets.


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