

27 June, 2024

Corangamite Shire votes on 2024-2025 budget

CORANGAMITE shire councillors unanimously supported the approval of a $68.8 million budget.

Responsible: Corangamite Shire councillors voted to adopt a budget which they believe keeps the shire in a solid financial position. Pictured is mayor Kate Makin and deputy mayor Laurie Hickey.
Responsible: Corangamite Shire councillors voted to adopt a budget which they believe keeps the shire in a solid financial position. Pictured is mayor Kate Makin and deputy mayor Laurie Hickey.

The 2024-2025 budget was approved by councillors at this week’s Ordinary Meeting of Council.

The budget includes a proposed $3.87 million operating surplus with a $28.57 million capital works program.

Of the capital expenditure there has been an $8.3 million fund for local roads, $11 million for the completion of the multi-year Port Campbell Town Centre Revitalisation, a $2.99 million investment in waste management services and $1.09 million for buildings, which includes floor replacement at the Terang Civic Hall.

Cr Geraldine Conheady moved the motion to adopt the budget, saying she believed it delivered on fiscal responsibility.

“I think the key is that our 2024-2025 budget is maintaining council’s stable financial position, and that’s something we always need to work towards and be mindful of any time a budget is prepared,” she said.

“That stable financial position is becoming more important because I think council is, like all communities, is feeling the challenges of the current economic climate.

“The pressure of decreasing state and federal grants and also the rate capping system - all of that tightens and does limit our options and capacityr

“In our deliberations we remained mindful of the core responsibilities that council has to our community and we prioritised the continued provisional high-quality services, we’ve met our statutory obligations, we’re planning $28.57 million of capital works and that includes a very strong focus on maintenance and upgrades to our local roads in the order of $8.3 million.”

Cr Conheady noted amendments to the draft budget in the report, which includes a $300,000 addition for the Camperdown and Terang Structure plans.

“I am happy the amendments included the incorporation of the Camperdown and Terang Structure plan in to the operating budget,” she said.

“I do appreciate councillor support for the alternate motion that went up last May.

“I think that’s going to be an amazing project and super important.

“It’s a $300,000 project but it is an enabler, and any expenditure of an enabling nature I think is helping our communities be prepared, creates opportunity and promotes growth.”

Cr Conheady said there was a 2.75 percent increase in rates and charges, which was in line with the Victorian Government cap and integral to maintaining a strong financial position.

“Of course, there has been some increases in rates and charges, we have got the rate cap and we’ve used our allocation according to what the state government allowed,” she said.

“I know rates and charges are often an issue but they do form a vital source of revenue for us to deliver the services and the asset renewal and upgrades that support our community.”

Cr Laurie Hickey seconded the motion, saying such a large operating budget “doesn’t come around easily” and praising the efforts of council staff in putting it together.

“Like any household budget or our farm budget, we know full well inflation is having a dramatic impact on the way we go about business,” he said.

“The costs are skyrocketing daily; the cost of energy is continually going up and so it is with that our fiscal responsibility that our finance team exercised that makes the budget a very real document that can actually be achieved.

“I’m certain that by this time next year we’ll be able to say that the budget has been a good recommendation of what was going to happen.

“I’m delighted to be able to second this motion and I’m very proud of the document that sits before us.”

The budget was unanimously adopted.


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